Welcome to the
University of Suwon
College of Global Talent

Suwon University International College
The International College of the University of Suwon brings together students and professors from around the world and from various academic backgrounds.
The collegial atmosphere promotes interdisciplinary, ‘hands on’ learning where students are encouraged to explore personal interests while working on real-life problems.
Courses are taught in English and Chinese, with academic support in several other languages,
including French, Spanish, Italian, and Tagalog. Our mission is to recruit talented students from around the world who have an interest in working and learning in an interdisciplinary and multicultural environment.

  • 페이스북 글
  • 페이스북 글
  • 페이스북 글
  • 페이스북 글
  • 인스타그램 글
  • 인스타그램 글
  • 인스타그램 글
  • 인스타그램 글
  • 트위터 글
  • 트위터 글
  • 트위터 글
  • 트위터 글

International College Old Business Building 3F
University of Suwon Bongdam-eup Hwaseong-si Gyeonggi-do 18323 Republic of Korea
Tel: +82-31-220-2633