Paper Acceptance Guidelines

Acceptance and Review

The review output will be one of the following decisions

A paper is accepted if all or at least two-thirds majority of the reviewers rate a paper as acceptable.

Accept with minor revisions
This decision means that the paper requires minor changes for it to be accepted.

• Accept with major revisions
A manuscript needs to be substantially improved before it can be accepted. The author has to submit the revised manuscript along with a point-by-point response to the reviewer comments.

This is an outright rejection decision, and in most cases, the journal will not publish the paper or reconsider it even if the author makes major revisions.

Conditions of Paper Acceptance for Publication

First Reviewer Second Reviewer Third Reviewer Decision
Accept Accept Accept Accept
Accept Accept Minor Revisions Minor Revisions
Accept Minor Revisions Minor Revisions Minor Revisions
Minor Revisions Minor Revisions Minor Revisions Minor Revisions
Minor Revisions Major Revisions Major Revisions Major Revisions
Major Revisions Major Revisions Major Revisions Major Revisions
Reject Reject Reject Reject


Submission of your paper to this journal implies that the paper is not under submission for publication elsewhere. Material which has been previously copyrighted, published, or accepted for publication will not be considered for publication in this journal. Submission of a manuscript is interpreted as a statement of certification that no part of the manuscript is copyrighted by any other publisher nor is under review by any other formal publication. It is your responsibility to ensure that your manuscript does not cause any copyright infringements, defamation, and other problems. The main author is responsible for ensuring that the article has been seen and approved by all the other authors. It is the responsibility of the author to obtain all necessary copyright release permissions for the use of any copyrighted materials in the manuscript prior to the submission.

All authors must sign a Copyright Agreement form giving us the legal rights to publish their work.